DiscoverMorning WireMobilizing the Faith Vote: Ralph Reed’s $62 Million Strategy | 8.25.24
Mobilizing the Faith Vote: Ralph Reed’s $62 Million Strategy | 8.25.24

Mobilizing the Faith Vote: Ralph Reed’s $62 Million Strategy | 8.25.24

Update: 2024-08-253


This podcast episode delves into the significance of the faith vote in the 2020 presidential election, focusing on the efforts of both the Trump and Harris campaigns to win over Christian voters. Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, provides insights into the strategies and issues at play. The episode highlights the Faith and Freedom Coalition's extensive ground game program, which includes door-to-door canvassing, phone calls, text messages, and voter registration drives, aimed at mobilizing evangelical voters. It also explores the Democratic Party's attempts to appeal to Christian voters, particularly through branding Kamala Harris as a woman of faith and highlighting Tim Walsh's Lutheran identity. Ralph Reed argues that these efforts are ineffective and misapprehend the faith vote. The podcast emphasizes that Christian voters are driven by issues and policy, particularly abortion, Israel, religious freedom, and the Supreme Court. Ralph Reed criticizes the Harris-Walsh ticket's stance on these issues and highlights Donald Trump's pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-religious freedom record. The episode discusses the emergence of "Evangelicals for Harris," a group that includes prominent figures like the chairman of the board of Christianity Today. Ralph Reed criticizes this group's stance and argues that their support for Harris is inconsistent with their faith. Ralph Reed defends the right of Christians to express their faith in the public square, citing the Coach Kennedy case and the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the Lemon test. He argues that the Harris-Walsh ticket's policies would undermine religious freedom. The podcast emphasizes the strong pro-Israel stance of Christian voters and criticizes Kamala Harris's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that it threatens Israel's right to exist. The episode explores the argument that some Christian voters were morally opposed to Donald Trump and therefore chose to sit out or vote for a third party in 2016 and 2020. Ralph Reed questions the moral consistency of these voters now openly supporting Kamala Harris. Ralph Reed argues that court packing violates constitutional norms and criticizes the Christian never-Trumpers who are now supporting Harris, given their past opposition to Roe v. Wade. The podcast emphasizes that the focus should be on policy rather than personality when evaluating candidates. Ralph Reed argues that the Harris-Walsh ticket's pro-abortion stance is morally and biblically indefensible. Ralph Reed defends the Republican Party platform on abortion, highlighting its assertion that the unborn child is a person deserving of constitutional protection and its call for bans on late-term abortion. He argues that the platform represents a clear moral distinction between the two parties. The episode discusses the human life amendment, which was previously included in the Republican Party platform but has been removed. Ralph Reed explains that the amendment's purpose was to overturn Roe v. Wade, which has now been achieved. He also highlights Donald Trump's pro-life record.


The Faith Vote in the 2020 Presidential Election

This podcast episode discusses the importance of the faith vote in the 2020 presidential election, focusing on the efforts of both the Trump and Harris campaigns to win over Christian voters. Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, shares insights into the strategies and issues at play.

Mobilizing the Faith Vote

This chapter explores the strategies employed by the Faith and Freedom Coalition to mobilize evangelical voters, including their extensive ground game program, which involves door-to-door canvassing, phone calls, text messages, and voter registration drives.

The Faith Vote and Policy

This chapter delves into the key issues driving the faith vote, particularly abortion, Israel, religious freedom, and the Supreme Court. Ralph Reed criticizes the Harris-Walsh ticket's stance on these issues and highlights Donald Trump's pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-religious freedom record.

The Moral and Political Divide

This chapter examines the arguments surrounding the faith vote, including the emergence of "Evangelicals for Harris," the moral consistency of Christian voters who opposed Trump but now support Harris, and the Republican Party platform on abortion. Ralph Reed defends the Republican Party's stance on abortion and discusses the human life amendment.


Faith Vote

The faith vote refers to the voting bloc of religious individuals, particularly evangelical Christians, who are considered a significant force in American politics.

Evangelical Christians

A group of Christians who emphasize the experience of conversion, the authority of the Bible, and the importance of evangelization. They are often politically conservative and hold strong views on issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.

Ground Game

A political campaign strategy that focuses on grassroots organizing, voter registration, and get-out-the-vote efforts to mobilize supporters.

Court Packing

A political strategy that involves expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court to achieve a desired ideological balance. It is considered a controversial practice that undermines the court's independence.

Religious Freedom

The right to practice one's religion without government interference or discrimination. It is a fundamental human right enshrined in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Pro-Life Movement

A social movement that advocates for the legal protection of unborn human life, opposing abortion and other practices that they believe harm or end a pregnancy.

Human Life Amendment

A proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would recognize the legal personhood of unborn children, effectively banning abortion.


  • What are the key issues driving the faith vote in the 2020 presidential election?

    Christian voters are primarily concerned with issues like abortion, Israel, religious freedom, and the Supreme Court. They are looking for candidates who align with their values on these issues.

  • How is the Faith and Freedom Coalition mobilizing evangelical voters?

    The Faith and Freedom Coalition is employing a comprehensive ground game program that includes door-to-door canvassing, phone calls, text messages, and voter registration drives to reach and engage evangelical voters.

  • What is the significance of the \"Evangelicals for Harris\" group?

    The emergence of "Evangelicals for Harris" is notable because it challenges the traditional alignment of evangelical Christians with the Republican Party. It suggests that some evangelicals are willing to support a Democratic candidate despite their differences on key issues.

  • How does Ralph Reed respond to the argument that some Christian voters were morally opposed to Donald Trump?

    Ralph Reed questions the moral consistency of these voters now openly supporting Kamala Harris, given their past opposition to Trump. He argues that supporting Harris would be complicit in policies that they consider immoral and unethical.

  • What is Ralph Reed's stance on the Republican Party platform on abortion?

    Ralph Reed defends the Republican Party platform, highlighting its assertion that the unborn child is a person deserving of constitutional protection and its call for bans on late-term abortion. He believes that the platform represents a clear moral distinction between the two parties.

Show Notes

Ralph Reed lays out the largest voter mobilization effort targeting evangelical Christians, how it could shape the election, and why faith-based voters remain a cornerstone of the GOP. Plus he explains why voting for Trump is a moral issue. Get the facts first on Morning Wire.

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Mobilizing the Faith Vote: Ralph Reed’s $62 Million Strategy | 8.25.24

Mobilizing the Faith Vote: Ralph Reed’s $62 Million Strategy | 8.25.24

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